Problems and Disorders

Since childhood we have built defenses to be able to adapt to our environment. With these defenses we can achieve a vital balance that allows us to move forward and live the life we want or have to lead. However, there are vital factors that can break this balance, break our defensive structure and leave us totally exposed. One of the symptoms that this has happened is when we have an anxiety attack.

Anxiety/panic disorders


The most characteristic symptom of depression is that a person feels sunken, paralyzed, as if they had an overwhelming weight that inhibited their vitality, making it impossible for them to live fully.
Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) is a psychological condition that originates from prolonged exposure to trauma, primarily of an interpersonal nature, such as chronic abuse or violence. Unlike conventional PTSD, C-PTSD involves a variety of symptoms that affect areas such as identity, emotional regulation, and interpersonal relationships. People with C-PTSD may experience difficulties in constructing a coherent self-image, dysfunctional patterns in relationships, and problems with emotional regulation. Often associated with early childhood trauma, C-PTSD requires specialized therapeutic approaches, such as trauma therapy, to address the complexities of the condition and foster recovery over time.​

Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Traumatic events, such as the death of important people, accidents or traumatic childbirths, can cause a state of post-traumatic stress in which the affected person may have more or less serious symptoms that do not disappear on their own.
Psychosomatics affects both the mind and the body (in Greek Psykhe and soma). Psychosomatic illnesses can be totally or partially due to psychological or emotional disorders. A psychosomatic illness is characterized by a physical illness caused or aggravated by psychological factors.

Psychosomatic illnesses

Disproportionate anger, aggression and rage

There are people who, despite being afraid of conflict and considering themselves not very violent, sometimes get much more angry than may seem reasonable, even to the point of losing control over their anger and doing things that they later regret.
When a woman has had traumatic experiences related to her childbirth, both her own body and her baby and the people who accompanied her during childbirth may be the subject of strong feelings of fear, rejection, avoidance or feelings of panic.

Postpartum depression or trauma

Frequent Symptoms

Depression is a very common illness, it is considered that every person has suffered from it at some point. It is characterized by a series of mental and physical symptoms, which can be terrible thoughts about events in the future, insomnia, decreased appetite, guilt, anxiety, lack of joy, as well as sadness, negative thoughts.

Difficult or traumatic events, negative attitudes of people around you, school problems, etc., can together create deep negative beliefs about yourself. Many times these negative beliefs have become unconscious, so we do not know what the source of our insecurity is but we only feel its effects. With psychotherapy you can uncover these negative beliefs, get to the bottom of their causes and resolve the conflicts that are at their base.

There are many types of phobias. As a general rule, a phobia is the symptom of some internal conflict that finds no other way to express itself than this. Sometimes they can be solved easily, and sometimes it can be more complicated, it depends on many factors.

Many people today suffer from panic attacks, also known as anxiety attacks. A panic attack is a very intense experience in which for no apparent reason we begin to feel fear, anguish and physical sensations such as tachycardia, sweating, numbness of hands and legs, difficulty breathing, etc. In many cases, the sufferer does not know what is happening and this generates more fear and uncertainty.

Depersonalization is an alteration of one’s perception or experience such that one feels “separated” from one’s mental processes or body, as if one were an external observer of them.

Derealization is the perception of the world as something unreal or strange, the sense of a loss of reality in the immediate environment. You may also have a sensation of “walking on clouds” or hearing sounds and voices in the environment in an altered way.