Psychotherapist specialized in EMDR, trauma therapy and body psychotherapy in Barcelona

I am a Psychotherapist and I have been dedicated for many years to helping people feel better in their lives, to resolve their internal conflicts and to heal from emotional, psychological or psychosomatic problems and disorders, taking into account both the patient’s mind and body.

Professional Activities

I work with different therapeutic approaches adapted to the specific needs of each person. I am trained in body-psychotherapy, EMDR with specialization in trauma and dissociation as well as Mentalization-based Therapy. My specialization focuses on childhood trauma, abuse, mistreatment and neglect in childhood, and the consequences they can have. I have extensive experience in these issues and am also trained in working with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and panic and anxiety attacks. I use advanced techniques to treat trauma, such as EMDR, and specific techniques to address issues related to dissociation.

Specific Treatments

Personal Growth

Sometimes what one needs is not only to treat annoying symptoms but to make a deep personal growth that encompasses all facets of one’s personality. The deepest psychotherapy is the one that works both the body and the mind, and can penetrate the deepest and most hidden recesses of the personality.

Languages I speak

Creo que es importante poder atender a las personas en su lengua materna. Debido a mi pasado multicultural, hablo fluidamente y puedo atender en Castellano, Catalán, Sueco, Inglés y Francés.

Crec que és important poder atendre les persones en la seva llengua materna. A causa del meu passat multicultural, parlo fluidament i puc atendre en Català, Castella, Suec, Anglès i Francès.

Jag anser att det är viktigt att kunna kommunicera med en person på sitt modersmål. På grund av min mångkulturella bakgrund talar jag flytande och arbetar på svenska, spanska, katalanska, engelska och franska.

I think it is important to be able to attend people in their own language. Due to my multicultural past, I speak fluently and can attend in English, Spanish, Catalan, Swedish and French.

Je pense qu'il est important de pouvoir parler avec les clients dans leur langue maternelle. Dû a mon passé multiculturel, je parle couramment et peux assister en français, espagnol, catalan, suédois et anglais.